Extremely informative and interesting training event
Speaker was very knowledgeable and clearly spoken
Anon (Contract Management 22/04/2020)
Excellent. Thanks 100% satisfied
Phil (Project and Site Management 14/01/2020)
Excellent delivery by presenter
Subhatra (Contract Administration for Employers 14/02/2019)
Very helpful in all areas.
Shaun (Project and Site Management for Contractors 14/11/2019)
Very good and in great detail. Really enjoyable session
Bobbie (NEC 3 to 4 for Contractors 26/11/2019)
Excellent seminar and great learning opportunity
Scott ( 28/11/2019)
Good Course and kept is engaged. Well Delivered
Sam (NEC for Sub-Contractors 21/11/2019)
Good Course well delivered by trainer
Trevor (ICC Term Contract 05/11/2019)
Very useful course and my knowledge improved greatly
Joe (ICC Term Contract 06/11/2019)
Very engaging and relatable examples and easily explained all aspects
Oonagh (ICC Term Contract 06/11/2019)
Well presented interested and real world experience brought into the training
Ryan (ICC Term Contract 05/11/2019)
Really enjoyed the course, it was engaging, educational and entertaining. Nigel's excellent presentation skills and humour brought what could have been a dry subject to life.
Richard (Contract Awareness for suppliers 14/05/2019)
Delivered concisely with relatable anecdotes.Thank you!
Adam (Delays Damages and Compensation 03/10/2019)
Delivered well, very enjoyable and knowledgeable. Enthisiastic speaker made the course easy to learn from
Jonathon (Contract Principles 26/07/2019)
Extremely beneficial and very informative.
John (NEC to JCT Conversion 01/10/2019)
thank you for yesterdays course. It was extremely insightful and whilst I have attended similar courses in the past this was the first to be specifically aimed at contractors.I took away some good learning points and plan to implement them into my next project.Once again, thank you for a brilliant course.
Nathen (Cutting Edge of JCT 03/07/2019)
Very helpful course, would recommend to others
James (Commercial Awareness 24/06/2019)
Nigel made this training more applicable by tailoring it to our needs
Rebecca (Adjudication Principles 19/06/2019)
I had no expectations but the course was great. Relevant content and executed in a manner that was easy to was understand with practical anecdotes
Liam (Contract Principles 20/06/2019)
Nigel kept the content moving and didn’t stay on one topic for too long
Kam (Contract Principles 20/06/2019)
very informative, comprehensive, engaging.
Paul (Contract Principles 20/06/2019)
It was a very good presentation which everyone really enjoyed.
Olivia (JCT D&B for Housing Assoc' 16/04/2019)
Good Speaker with Interesting stories
Richard (Contract Awareness for Suppliers 14/05/2019)
Very enthusing and informative course
Tim (Contract Awareness for Suppliers 14/05/2019)
Very detailed content well referenced and kept the audience engaged
Sue (Contract Administration 29/04/2019)
Really really good knowledgeand engaging speaker
Helen (JCT Suite 30/04/2019)
Excellent. Thank you for catering the course to our own unique situation and works.
David (NEC 3 Bespoke 04/04/2019)
Very Interesting and thorough. Engaging speaker
Clare (JCT D&B for Housing Assoc 15/04/2019)
A dry subject delivered very well
Peter (JCT D&B for Housing Assoc 15/04/2019)
A really informative seminar delivered in an interactive programme of topics and examples
Lisa (JCT D&B for Housing Assoc 15/04/2019)
Great trainer. Great Course. Would recommend it.
Robert (ICC Term Contract 26/03/2019)
Very good content delivered in an interesting and informative manner
Ivor (ICC Term Contract 27/03/2019)
Difficult subject well delivered
Dan (Commercial Awareness for JCT 07/03/2019)
Far better than I expected. No death by power point and I enjoyed the discussion with Nigel
Ben (Commercial Awareness 22/02/2019)
A very dry subject made fun and entertaining
Martin (Commercial Awareness 22/02/2019)
Extremely informative and interesting training event
Lindsey (JCT Suite 22/02/2019)
Very good course informative and beneficial
Joe (ICC Term Contract 26/03/2019)
Very clear and comprehensive delivery
Joshua (Commercial Awareness for JCT Forms 07/03/2019)
Excellent course . Well delivered and good interaction with all present
Roy (Bespoke Minor Works Forms 04/03/2019)
A lot of information to take in. Good teaching pace. Speaker able to hold your attention well.
Joe (Bespoke Minor Works Forms 04/03/2019)
Loved the course. Nigel's delivery of the training was excellent, vary charismatic and lots of additional info. Very relevant
Sally (Contract Administration for Employers 27/02/2019)
So much knowledge a very good session that met my expectations
Alicia (JCT Suite 22/02/2019)
Great to listen to, a very engaging session with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and debate and receive knowledge.
Jay (JCT suite 22/02/2019)
Nigel made the subject interesting and was engaging through out
Steven (JCT Suite 22/02/2019)
Thought it would be boring but it was the opposite extreme
Terry (JCT Suite 22/02/2019)
Exceeded my expectations, well delivered
Michael (JCT Suite 22/02/2019)
I learned a tremendous amount - Thanks
David (JCT Suite 22/02/2019)
Lively, and sharing presentation with frequent recaps. Good audience participation
Richard (JCT Suite 22/02/2019)
This course should be made one of the essential training modules and a refresher every year
Selina (Contract Administration 22/01/2019)
Very informative training brought up a lot of interesting discussion topics. Nigel is very knowledgable and very informative
Dan (Commercial Awareness 16/01/2019)
Fast Paced and very informative and thought provoking for future contracts
Darren (Commercial Awareness 16/01/2019)
Very Well Delivered and easily communicated / understood/ I now understand some of the grey areas!
Jeff (Commercial Awareness 16/01/2019)
Great cours, feel as though I have learnt a lot
Karl (Commercial Awareness 16/01/2019)
Good training. Well delivered
Gordon (Commercial Awareness 16/01/2019)
Fantastic course very useful and informative. Would definately recommend to others.
Liam (Commercial Awareness 16/01/2019)
Very knowledgable, a great communicator with a sense of humour too!
Tim (Effective EA in JCT D&B 16/11/2018)
Very useful to all site mangers
Mathew (Contract management for Building Projects 09/11/2018)
Good presentation, kept light whilst still being informative
Ryan (Contract management for Building Projects 09/11/2018)
A very interesting seminar and delivered in a novel way
Garrett (JCT Cutting Edge 07/11/2018)
a comprehensive journey through JCT 16 picking out the relevant aspects
Stephen (JCT Cutting Edge 07/11/2018)
Nigel gave clear concise relevant information. Case Law and anecdotes were really useful to relate to.
Elaine (Commercial Awareness 06/11/2018)
Very well explained and presented
Brad (Commercial Awareness 06/11/2018)
Expectation exceeded, very knowledgable presenter
John (Cutting Edge 24/10/2018)
Very good interpersonal skill with good examples of actual issues
Fiona (JCT Cutting Edge 24/10/2018)
Nigel is able to communicate a very dry topic in an engaging manner
Peter (NEC 3 In House 25/10/2018)
Would recommend this trainer is used for further training events
Matthew (NEC 3 In House 25/10/2018)
Very good on a difficult and dry subject
Damian (Cutting Edge of JCT 24/10/2018)
The seminar was very insightful and I gained a great deal from it! Its certainly made more aware of the risks within the industry
Tony (JCT Cutting Edge 24/10/2018)
I have attended similar courses before but this was exceptional. Very well explained
Henry (Commercial Awareness 18/09/2018)
Very Interesting and presented in a simple and entertaining way
Ryan ( 18/10/2018)
Fantastic, really good course
Tom (Commercial Awareness 20/10/2018)
Many thanks for the well delivered presentation yesterday, I picked up some really useful lessons
Daniel (Commercial Contracting 19/09/2018)
Thank you for the slides and thank you again for the informative, engaging and enjoyable day.
John (Commercial Contracting 19/09/2018)
Thanks for the course you delivered – very informative, especially for a newbie like myself
Luke (JCT D&B 05/09/2018)
I really enjoyed the training and felt like I gained a lot from the experience. Hope to catch you on another course soon!
Nick (Contract Management 04/09/2018)
Session was great Nigel! Thoroughly enjoyed it and very informative. Thanks
James (Contract Management 04/09/2018)
Excellent course content, interesting delivery
David (JCT 2011 & 2016 12/03/2018)
first course I've been on that I havent got bored
Shane (NEC For Subcontractors 22/02/2018)
lively and interesting presentation of an otherwise dry subject
Paul (JCT D&B 15/02/2018)
a good well worked and enjoyable training session
Gerrard (JCT D&B 15/02/2018)
Good Clear Instruction - very engaging
Steve (JCT D&B 11/01/2019)
Thank you for today's seminar, you turned what could be a dry subject, into something that was very interesting and something that you wanted to learn.
David (JCT D&B 16/01/2019)
"Very Informative, it flowed and was very enjoyable"
Gwyn (NEC Getting to Grip 07/09/2016)
"Very good course with no bias and with balanced approach forming good groups for collaboration and understanding"
Jason (Target Cost Contracts 22/06/2017)
"Very entertaining, everyone kept involved- impressive."
Alan (Delay Damages Compensation 28/10/2016)
"Trainer knew his stuff and delivered it well"
Kirsty (JCT IFC MW & D&B 12/08/2016)
"this tutor, Nigel Clayton, is the best thing since sliced bread. He was really good."
Andrew (NEC Intermediate 22/01/2016)
"The course made me realise how little I know about the subject and that if I aim to be competent in PM then I have loads to learn. Thank you for a good training day"
Anon (Project Management 11/05/2017)
"Relaxed, engaging and informative. Excellent content and delivery. Many thanks"
Jonathon (Subcontracting with NEC and JCT 21/07/2017)
"Nigel was very accommodating and revised the course to suit the audience"
George (JCT D&B 15/06/2017)
"Nigel was an excellent speaker and made this course enjoyable and simpler for me to understand"
Chris (JCT Intermediate and Minor Works 09/03/2016)
"Myself and a few of the other colleagues were discussing how we learnt more during that 1 day than we would in a few months in the business"
Jake (Foundation 1 day 14/03/2017)
"Last week your trainer, Nigel Clayton, delivered one of your courses for us entitled: Project Management Boot camp. I just wanted to let you know that my staff were raving about it when they got back to the office, and all the following day"
Christine (PM Boot camp 03/03/2016)
"It was a very informative course in an area of business that usually has us running for cover."
Simon (Commercial awareness 19/10/2016)
"I really enjoyed the course it’s one of the best I have attended!"
Thomas (JCT Cutting edge 12/05/16 12/05/2016)
"I liked the open questions which were very relevant to the individuals"
Simon (Interserve In House 27/06/16 27/06/2016)
"I expected this to be tiresome but it was not at all. It was excellent and will no doubt help me in my day to day duties. "
Chris (JCT Intermediate and Minor Works 09/03/16 09/03/2016)
"Clear concise information relevant and tailored to our specific needs. An excellent course expertly delivered."
Neil ( 26/04/2016)
"I enjoyed your training day, good to have all the practical/pragmatic insights that would have been missing if a construction lawyer had been presenting."
Mike (RICS UK Contract Selection 22/06/2016)
"Have to say that it was an excellent course yesterday! Thoroughly enjoyed and very enlightening."
Matt (NEC 3 & 4 07/09/2017)
"Had no idea what to expect . Very good presentation learned a great deal"
Ian (Commercial Awareness - in house 07/03/2016)
"Good examples from our own bespoke Contract"
Toby (JCT D&B 25/04/2017)
"Excellent! Would highly recommend"
Andy (Golden Rules 24/08/2016)
"Covered all expected content - very informative and useful "
Rachel (Commercial Awareness - in house 07/03/2016)
"Well presented, it was engaging for all levels from trainee QS to Director level"
Stuart (JCT D&B 30/08/2018)
"Enjoyed the course and have picked up a lot. Thank you for a lovely day"
Tufail (NEC introduction 15/01/2016)
"Found it easy to follow and learnt a lot of useful information"
Ryan (NEC introduction 15/01/2016)
"Great session I would like to do more training with Nigel"
David (NEC introduction 15/01/2016)
"More than met expectations, excellent coverage and delivery of complex subject. Many thanks indeed."
Jeff (Getting to Grips with NEC3 16/05/2013)
"It was all fantastic, especially the references to TFL contracts. I am looking forward to Level 2!"
Rashdah (NEC Introductory Course L1 29/09/2014)
"Many thanks Nigel, It was an extremely interesting day which Mark and I thoroughly enjoyed."
John (JCT Cutting Edge 05/02/2013)
"Nigel- can I thank you for a very informative and participative training session this afternoon. The feedback from colleagues on our walk back to the office was very positive and I am sure will prove a very useful base on which to build further development."
Graham (PM Boot Camp 18/04/2013)
"Excellent venue, facilitator was engaging and encouraging."
Luke (Contract Practice and Administration 24/09/2014)
"Speaker was able to address specific questions on wide range scale, far beyond the course parameters."
John (Delays, Damages and Compensation in Construction 02/10/2014)
"Nigel was excellent in tutorial for this course. Very informative and answered questions very well. No improvements required!"
Matthew (Prolongation, Disruption and Damages 27/03/2013)
"Presenter was great."
Thomas (NEC introduction 15/01/2016)
"Very informative and interesting/entertaining at times. An excellent facilitator who made a potentially boring subject interesting with lots of practical examples."
John (Delays, Damages and Compensation in Construction 02/10/2014)
"Extensive knowledge from Nigel Clayton to allow course material to become relevant."
Ben (Boot Camp-50 Things Every PM Needs to Know 19/06/2012)
"Seminar was very informative and kept the whole group involved. Difficult topic very well delivered"
David (Commercial Awareness 11/12/2015)
"Very good course, enjoyed the presenters style and enthusiasm"
John (In House Project Management 18/07/2015)
"Didn’t know what to expect but more than satisfied with content and delivery"
Pear (JCT Minor Works 13/05/2015)
"Really enjoyed the seminar today. I was worried when I saw the word 'construction' in the title as this is not the sector I wrk in - however Nigel gave great real life scenarios which helped me relate back to my own role in Network Rail"
Natasha (Network Rail Contract Practice and Administration 09/04/2015)
"Very useful course with lots of invaluable detail"
John ( Network Rail Contract Practice and Administration 09/04/2015)
"Very engaging on what is a dry subject! Good teacher!"
Matthew (NEC Getting to Grips 16/09/2015)
"Really enjoyed yesterday, very informative. I have no doubt that my working practice will be greatly improved"
Lorcun (Delay Damages and Compensation 03/08/2015)
"Very knowledgeable and encouraged good interaction, kept the flow moving in an attentive manner very informative and enjoyable"
Gordon (NEC Getting to Grips 16/09/2015)
"Engaging with a difficult subject."
Adam ( Commercial Awareness 11/12/2015)
"Pitched at a level for beginners and experienced practitioners alike"
Mark (NEC Getting to Grips 16/09/2015)
"Very knowledgeable in NEC, Quick witted and polite"
David ( NEC Getting to Grips 16/09/2015)
"Nigel made the course very interesting and relevant. Involved all parties and included topics close to all those on the course"
Dave (Commercial Awareness 11/12/2015)
"Nigel, thanks for making the day enjoyable."
Stephen (JCT D&B 27/11/2015)
"Very productive and worthwhile "
Andrew (In House Project Management 18/07/2015)
"Great course, learned a great deal"
Mike (In House Project Management 18/07/2015)
"It was very informative and enjoyed the day Thank you much appreciated"
Chris (JCT D&B 27/11/2015)
"Good well-paced course, good reinforcement of known areas and new areas techniques"
Andy (In House Project Management 18/07/2015)
"I have been privileged to have sat in a number of Nigel's seminars and every time I have gained knowledge to progress my personal career. I would like to thank Nigel for his consistent positive and engaging approach…..it really works"
Phil (Network Rail Delay Damage and Compensation 14/04/2015)
"Very Informative and well put over"
Jim (JCT Minor Works 13/05/2015)
"Nigel's delivery of the course and subject matter expertise were excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed the course"
Nick (JCT D&B 07/01/2016)
"well presented course, Really direct, kept audience motivated"
Gabriel (In House Project Management 18/07/2015)
"Good Communication was great. Was well impressed"
Naginda (Network Rail NR3 NR4 08/05/2015)
"Nigel is excellent. Very knowledgeable. I learned a lot today"
Adam Rogers (Network Rail Delay Damage and Compensation 14/04/2015)
"Met and exceeded what I expected"
Michael (JCT Minor Works 13/05/2015)
"Nigel's anecdotes made things more interesting and memorable"
Jodie (Commercial Awareness 11/12/2015)
"Very well presented, very clear and good examples"
Dean (In House Project Management 18/07/2015)
"The speaker was able to provide examples and experiences to help understand and make sense of quite complex information"
Danny (Commercial Awareness 11/12/2015)
"thanks again for a great seminar, it was well presented along with a bit of humour thrown in"
Douglas ( JCT D&B 27/11/2015)
"Thanks and yes I found the course very useful, and considering you were talking about what might be considered a dry subject, I found the day very engaging"
Dave (NEC 3 13/03/2015)
"From everybody - without any exception ! - a great thanks for the seminars "Contract Awareness". Your dynamic approach with a flair of humour together with your ability to keep everyone focussed was something we rarely encounter at seminars. Congratulations! It made us feel sad that the day was gone in no time."
Wim (International Commercial Awareness 10/06/2015)
"Overall very good course well delivered by engaging knowledgeable facilitator."
Hasan (Network Rail NR12 06/05/2015)
"Knowledgeable confident speaker which contributed to course content with real life examples"
Craig (NEC Getting to Grips 16/09/2015)
"Very good presenter - really knows his subject - maintained interest, engagement and participation of audience"
Craig (NEC Getting to Grips 16/09/2015)
"Very good, explained further where required and engaged all in the training"
James (Commercial Awareness 11/12/2015)
"Very good and Informative"
Sunny (Final Account and Close Ou 07/05/2015)
"The seminar exceeded expectations. I found it very useful particularly about programming"
David (In House Project Management 18/07/2015)
"Thank you for sending these through, it will be very useful going forward. I’d also like to thank you for presenting a useful and engaging course. As the subject matter is very dry; it was a testament to your presentation skills that you managed to keep the whole room interested for the full day."
David (NEC 3 13/03/2015)
"The best tutor I’ve had in 10 years of doing courses. Good work Nigel"
Andrew (NEC Introduction 15/01/2016)